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Joanne Horton
Private secretary to Professor Francisco Leyva

If you would like to make an appointment, please phone the relevant numbers for Little Aston Hospital, The Priory Hospital and The Harborne Hospital.

If you have any other enquiry for private appointments, please phone Jo Horton on 07812 243 176. No referral letter is required for self referrals.

If you would like an NHS appointment, please ask your General Practitioner to direct referrals directly to Professor F Leyva at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Please note that NHS appointments cannot be given without a GP referral.

For enquiries, please e-mail Jo Horton:

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​Spire Little Aston Hospital
Little Aston Hall Drive 
Sutton Coldfield B74 3UP

Appointments: 0121 580 7151
The Priory Hospital
Birmingham B5 7UG

Appointments:  0121 392 8738
The Harborne Hospital
Mindelsohn Way
Birmingham B15 2FQ

Appointments:  0121 468 1270



Disclaimer: This website is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. All reasonable care has been taken in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. You must consult a doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

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